Create School Management System with PHP & MySQL

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School Management System (SMS) is a web application commonly used in schools to manage teachers, students, classes, subjects, sections, student attendance, etc.

So if you are a PHP developer and want to develop School Management System with PHP, you are here at the right place. This tutorial will teach how to develop a School Management System with PHP and MySQL.

We will cover this tutorial in easy steps, from developing a live demo of the school management system to covering major functionalities like managing teachers, students, classes, subjects, sections, student attendance, etc. This is a straightforward school management system for learning purposes and can be enhanced according to the requirement to develop a perfect advanced level system. The download link is at the end of the tutorial to download the complete project with database tables.

Read Also: How to Create a Histogram in Excel (Step-by-Step Guide)

About School Management System

School Management Systems manage all the information of the students and/or faculty in a particular school.

In our project, we will only use it to manage some basic personal information of the students of a school.

So let us start implementing School Management System with PHP and MySQL. Before we begin, take a look at the files structure for this example.

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Features of School Management System with PHP & MySQL

  • Multi Login
  • Student Management
  • Teacher Management
  • Attendance Management
  • Salary Management
  • Payment Management
  • Timetable Management
  • Exam Management
  • Petty Cash Management
  • Event Management
  • Notification Management
  • Online Chat
  • Classroom Management
  • Grade Management
  • Subject Management
  • Invoice Management


• PHP 5.5
• MYSQL 4.6
• Text Editor Software

Create MySQL Database Table

First, we will use MySQL database tables for all the features of our project like admin, chat, classroom, events, exam, grade, group message, parents, payment notifications, student etc. The table structure and data are available in the project download zip file.

Connection with Database

You can change or update the Database settings in config.php file located in controller folder

$servername = "localhost";
$username   = "Enter Database Username";
$password   = "Exter Database Password";
$dbname     = "Enter Database Name";

// Create connection
$conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

// Check connection
if (!$conn) {
die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());


Don’t forget to change username, password and dbname (database name).

Create User Login form

In the index.php file, we will create a login form to implement an admin login to allow access to the logged-in user only.

  	<div class="modal fade" id="loginFrom" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="loginFrom" aria-hidden="true">
    	<div class="modal-dialog">    
        	<div class="modal-content ">
        		<div class="modal-header bg-aqua-gradient">
          			<h4>User Login...!</h4>
        		<div class="modal-body bgColorWhite">
        			<form role="form" action="../index.php" method="post">                    
                  		<div class="box-body">
                    		<div class="form-group" id="divEmail">
                      			<label for="">Email</label>
                      			<input type="text" class="form-control" id="email" placeholder="Enter email address" name="email" autocomplete="off">
                            <div class="form-group" id="divPassword">
                      			<label for="">Password</label>
                      			<input type="password" class="form-control" id="password" placeholder="Enter password" name="password" autocomplete="off">
                  		</div><!-- /.box-body -->
                  		<div class="box-footer">
                  			<input type="hidden" name="do" value="user_login" />
                    		<button type="submit" class="btn btn-info" id="btnSubmit">Submit</button>

We will implement user login on the login form by calling the method Login() in login.php

function login(){
		backdrop: 'static',
		keyboard: false

$("form").submit(function (e) {
//MSK-000098-form submit	

	var uname = $('#email').val();
	var password = $('#password').val();
	if(uname == ''){
		$("#btnSubmit").attr("disabled", true);
		$('#divEmail').addClass('has-error has-feedback');	
		$('#divEmail').append('<span id="spanEmail" class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback msk-set-color-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip"    title="The user name is required" ></span>');	
		$("#email").keydown(function() {
			$("#btnSubmit").attr("disabled", false);	
			$('#divEmail').removeClass('has-error has-feedback');
	if(password == ''){
		$("#btnSubmit").attr("disabled", true);
		$('#divPassword').addClass('has-error has-feedback');	
		$('#divPassword').append('<span id="spanPassword" class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback msk-set-color-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip"    title="The password is required" ></span>');	
		$("#password").keydown(function() {
			$("#btnSubmit").attr("disabled", false);	
			$('#divPassword').removeClass('has-error has-feedback');
	if(uname == '' || password == ''){
		//MSK-000098- form validation failed
		$("#btnSubmit").attr("disabled", true);
		return false;
		$("#btnSubmit").attr("disabled", false);


Manage Different Users (multi login setup)

School Management System supports different type of users login like

  • Admin User
  • Teacher User
  • Student User
  • Parent User

You can find the code for all user in the /view folder.

File Structure of Different Users

File Structure for Admin User – Click here to expand


  1. view/dashboard.php
  2. view/all_events1.php.
  3. view/show_events1.php

My Profile

  1. view/admin_profile.php
  2. model/get_admin_profile.php
  3. view/my_profile_update_form.php
  4. model/


  1. view/class_room.php
  2. view/show_classroom_table.php
  3. model/add_classroom.php
  4. model/get_classroom.php
  5. model/update_classroom.php
  6. model/delete_record.php


  1. view/grade.php
  2. view/show_grade_table.php
  3. view/emarks_range_grade_update_form.php
  4. view/range_garde_text.php
  5. model/add_grade.php
  6. model/get_grade.php
  7. model/update_grade.php
  8. model/add_emarks_range_grade.php
  9. model/delete_grade.php
  10. model/update_emarks_range_grade.php
  11. model/delete_range_grade.php


  1. view/subject.php
  2. view/show_subject_table.php
  3. model/add_subject.php
  4. model/get_subject.php
  5. model/update_subject.php
  6. model/delete_record.php


Add Teacher

  1. view/teacher.php
  2. model/add_teacher.php

All Teacher

  1. view/all_teacher.php
  2. view/show_teacher_table.php
  3. model/get_teacher.php
  4. model/update_teacher.php
  5. view/ teacher_salary_details.php
  6. view/ teacher_salary_details2.php
  7. view/ teacher_salary_details3.php
  8. view/ add_teacher_salary.php
  9. view/ teacher_salary_invoice.php
  10. view/teacher_salary_invoice1.php
  11. view/ teacher_salary_history1.php
  12. model/delete_record.php

Subject Routing

  1. view/subject_routing.php
  2. view/show_subject_routing_table.php
  3. view/ subject_fee_text.php
  4. model/add_subject_routing.php
  5. model/get_subject_routing.php
  6. model/update_subject_routing.php
  7. model/update_subject_fee.php


  1. view/timetable.php
  2. view/ timetable_grade_wise.php
  3. view/timetable_insert_form.php
  4. view/ timetable_update_form.php
  5. model/get_teacher_timetable.php
  6. model/get_timetable.php
  7. model/add_timetable.php
  8. model/delete_record.php


Add Student

  1. view/student.php
  2. view/show_student_subject.php
  3. view/student_first_payment.php
  4. model/add_student.php
  5. model/add_student_ first _payment.php

All Student

  1. view/all_student.php
  2. view/student_grade_wise.php
  3. model/get_student.php
  4. model/ leave_student.php
  5. model/delete_student_grade_subject.php
  6. view/show_student_grade_subject.php
  7. view/ student_first_payment.php
  8. model/add_student_first_payment.php
  9. view/show_student_subject1.php
  10. model/add_student_subject.php
  11. view/student_exam_mark_subject_table.php
  12. view/student_exam_mark_insert_form.php
  13. view/student_exam_mark_subject_view_table.php
  14. view/student_exam_mark_view_form.php
  15. view/exam_mark_text.php
  16. model/update_student_exam_mark.php
  17. view/student_payment_details.php
  18. view/student_payment_details2.php
  19. view/student_payment_invoice.php
  20. view/student_payment_history.php
  21. view/student_payment_details3.php
  22. view/student_payment_invoice1.php

Student Payment

  1. view/student_payment.php
  2. view/student_payment_details.php
  3. view/student_payment_details4.php
  4. model/student_payment_invoice.php
  5. modal/add_student_payment.php


Add Attenddance

  1. view/add_attendance.php
  2. model/add_attendance.php
  3. model/add_payment_notifications.php

Student Attendance History

  1. view/student_attendance_history.php
  2. view/student_attendance_history1.php
  3. view/show_student2.php
  4. view/student_profile.php

Teacher Attendance History

  1. view/teacher_attendance_history.php
  2. view/teacher_attendance_history1.php
  3. view/show_teacher2.php
  4. view/teacher_profile.php


Create Exam

  1. view/exam.php
  2. model/get_exam.php
  3. model/update_exam.php
  4. view/show_exam_table.php
  5. model/delete_record.php
  6. model/add_exam.php

Exam Timetable

  1. view/exam_timetable.php
  2. view/exam_timetable_grade_wise.php
  3. view/exam_timetable_insert_form.php
  4. view/exam_timetable_update_form.php
  5. model/get_exam_timetable.php
  6. model/delete_record.php
  7. model/add_exam_timetable.php
  8. model/update_exam_timetable.php

Student Exam Marks

  1. view/student_exam_marks.php
  2. view/show_student.php
  3. view/student_profile.php
  4. view/student_exam_mark_insert_form1.php
  5. view/student_exam_mark_update_form.php
  6. view/my_student_exam_marks1.php
  7. model/add_student_exam_mark1.php
  8. model/

Student Exam Marks History

  1. view/student_exam_marks_history.php
  2. view/show_student1.php
  3. view/student_profile.php
  4. view/my_student_exam_marks1.php

Petty Cash

  1. view/petty_cash.php
  2. model/approve_petty_cash.php
  3. view/petty_cash_details.php
  4. model/add_petty_cash.php


Add Friends

  1. view/add_friends.php
  2. model/add_friends.php
  3. model/confirm_friends.php
  4. view/friend_profile.php
  5. view/find_friends.php

My Friends

  1. view/my_friends.php
  2. view/friend_profile.php
  3. view/conversation_history_admin.php
  4. model/add_message.php
  5. view/conversation_history_admin1.php
  6. model/confirm_msg_read.php
  7. view/unread_msg.php


My Events

  1. view/my_events.php
  2. view/event1.php
  3. view/show_events.php
  4. view/create_events.php
  5. model/get_events.php
  6. model/delete_record1.php
  7. model/add_events.php

All Events

  1. view/all_events.php
  2. view/all_events1.php
  3. view/show_events1.php
  4. model/get_events.php
File Structure for Teacher User – Click here to expand


  1. view/dashboard2.php
  2. view/all_events1.php
  3. view/show_events1.php

My Profile

  1. view/teacher_profile2.php
  2. model/get_teacher_profile.php
  3. view/my_profile_update_form2.php
  4. model/ update_teacher_profile.php

My Student

  1. view/my_student.php
  2. view/student_grade_wise2.php
  3. model/get_student.php
  4. model/leave_student.php
  5. model/delete_student_grade_subject.php
  6. view/show_student_grade_subject.php
  7. view/student_first_payment.php
  8. model/add_student_first_payment.php
  9. model/get_student_subject.php
  10. view/show_student_subject1.php
  11. model/add_student_subject.php
  12. view/student_exam_mark_subject_table.php
  13. view/student_exam_mark_insert_form.php
  14. view/student_exam_mark_subject_view_table.php
  15. view/student_exam_mark_view_form.php
  16. view/exam_mark_text.php
  17. model/update_student_exam_mark.php


My Subject

  1. view/my_subject2.php

All Subject

  1. view/all_subject2.php


My Timetable

  1. view/my_timetable2.php
  2. model/get_subject_timetable.php
  3. view/timetable_insert_form2.php
  4. view/timetable_update_form2.php
  5. model/get_timetable.php
  6. model/delete_record.php
  7. model/add_timetable.php
  8. model/update_timetable.php

All Timetable

  1. view/all_timetable2.php
  2. view/timetable_grade_wise2.php


My Attendance

  1. view/my_attendance2.php

My Attendance History

  1. view/my_attendance_history2.php
  2. view/my_attendance_history3.php

My Salary

  1. view/my_salary.php
  2. view/teacher_salary_details3.php
  3. view/teacher_salary_invoice1.php

My Petty Cash

  1. view/my_petty_cash.php
  2. view/petty_cash_details.php
  3. model/add_petty_cash.php


My Student Exam Marks

  1. view/my_student_exam_marks.php
  2. view/show_my_student.php
  3. view/student_profile.php
  4. view/my_student_exam_mark_insert_form.php
  5. view/my_student_exam_mark_update_form.php
  6. view/my_student_exam_marks1.php
  7. model/add_student_exam_mark.php
  8. model/update_student_exam_mark.php

My Student Exam Marks History

  1. view/my_student_exam_marks_history.php
  2. view/student_profile.php
  3. view/my_student_exam_marks1.php
  4. view/show_my_student1.php

Exam Timetable

  1. view/exam_timetable2.php
  2. view/exam_timetable_grade_wise.php
  3. view/exam_timetable_insert_form2.php
  4. view/exam_timetable_update_form2.php
  5. model/get_exam_timetable.php
  6. model/delete_record.php


Add Friends

  1. view/add_friends2.php
  2. view/friend_profile.php
  3. view/find_friends.php
  4. model/add_friends.php
  5. model/confirm_friends.php

My Friends

  1. view/my_friends2.php
  2. view/friend_profile.php
  3. view/conversation_history_teacher.php
  4. model/add_message.php
  5. view/conversation_history_teacher1.php
  6. model/confirm_msg_read.php
  7. view/unread_msg.php


My Events

  1. view/my_events2.php
  2. view/event1.php
  3. view/show_events.php
  4. view/create_events.php
  5. model/get_events.php
  6. model/delete_record1.php
  7. model/add_events.php

All Events

  1. view/all_events2.php
  2. view/all_events1.php
  3. view/show_events1.php
  4. model/get_events.php
File Structure for Student User – Click here to expand


  1. view/dashboard1.php
  2. view/all_events1.php
  3. view/show_events1.php

My Profile

  1. view/my_profile.php
  2. model/get_student_profile.php
  3. view/my_profile_update_form1.php
  4. model/update_student_profile.php


My Teacher

  1. view/my_teacher.php
  2. view/teacher_profile1.php

All Teacher

  1. view/all_teacher1.php
  2. view/teacher_profile1.php


My Subject

  1. view/my_subject.php

All Subject

  1. view/all_subject1.php


My Timetable

  1. view/my_timetable.php

All Timetable

  1. view/all_timetable1.php


My Attendance

  1. view/my_attendance.php

My Attendance History

  1. view/my_attendance_history.php
  2. view/my_attendance_history1.php

My Payments

  1. view/my_payments.php
  2. view/student_payment_details3.php
  3. view/student_payment_invoice1.php


My Exam Marks

  1. view/my_exam_marks.php
  2. view/my_exam_marks1.php

My Exam Marks History

  1. view/my_exam_marks_history.php
  2. view/my_exam_marks1.php

My Exam Timetable

  1. view/my_exam_timetable.php
  2. view/ my_exam_timetable1.php


Add Friends

  1. view/add_friends1.php
  2. view/friend_profile.php
  3. view/find_friends.php
  4. model/add_friends.php
  5. model/confirm_friends.php

My Friends

  1. view/my_friends1.php
  2. view/friend_profile.php
  3. view/conversation_history_student.php
  4. model/add_message.php
  5. view/conversation_history_student1.php
  6. model/confirm_msg_read.php
  7. view/unread_msg.php
File Structure for Parent User – Click here to expand


  1. view/dashboard3.php
  2. view/all_events1.php
  3. view/show_events1.php


My Profile

  1. view/parents_profile.php
  2. model/get_parents_profile.php
  3. view/my_profile_update_form3.php
  4. model/update_parents_profile.php

My Son’s Profile

  1. view/my_sons_profile.php


My Son’s Teacher

  1. view/my_sons_teacher.php
  2. view/teacher_profile1.php

All Teacher

  1. view/all_teacher3.php
  2. view/teacher_profile1.php


My Son’s Subject

  1. view/my_sons_subject.php

All Subject

  1. view/all_subject3.php


My Son’s Timetable

  1. view/my_sons_timetable.php

All Timetable

  1. view/all_timetable3.php


My Son’s Attendance

  1. view/my_sons_attendance.php

My Son’s Attendance History

  1. view/my_sons_attendance_history.php
  2. view/my_sons_attendance_history1.php

My Son’s Payments

  1. view/my_sons_payments.php
  2. view/student_payment_details3.php
  3. view/student_payment_invoice1.php


My Son’s Exam Marks

  1. view/my_sons_exam_marks.php
  2. view/my_exam_marks1.php

My Son’s Exam Marks History

  1. view/my_sons_exam_marks_history.php
  2. view/my_exam_marks1.php

My Son’s Exam Timetable

  1. view/my_sons_exam_timetable.php
  2. view/ my_exam_timetable1.php
File Structure for Different Alerts – Click here to expand



  1. classroom_Duplicated
  2. insert_Success
  3. connection_Problem


  1. update_Success
  2. connection_Problem
  3. update_error1
  4. classroom_Duplicated


  1. delete_Success
  2. connection_Problem



  1. grade_Duplicated
  2. insert_Success
  3. connection_Problem


  1. update_Success
  2. connection_Problem
  3. update_error1
  4. grade_Duplicated


  1. delete_Success
  2. connection_Problem



  1. subject_Duplicated
  2. insert_Success
  3. connection_Problem


  1. update_Success
  2. connection_Problem
  3. update_error1
  4. subject_Duplicated


  1. delete_Success
  2. connection_Problem

Subject Routing


  1. duplicate_Record1
  2. insert_Success
  3. connection_Problem


  1. update_Success
  2. connection_Problem
  3. update_error1
  4. duplicate_Record1


  1. delete_Success
  2. connection_Problem



  1. index_Duplicated
  2. insert_Success
  3. connection_Problem
  4. index_email_Duplicated
  5. email_Duplicated
  6. upload_error1


  1. update_Success
  2. connection_Problem
  3. upload_error1
  4. update_error1
  5. email_Duplicated


  1. delete_Success
  2. connection_Problem



  1. index_Duplicated
  2. insert_Success
  3. connection_Problem
  4. index_email_Duplicated
  5. email_Duplicated
  6. upload_error1

All Student Update

  1. update_Success
  2. connection_Problem
  3. upload_error1
  4. update_error1
  5. email_Duplicated


  1. delete_Success
  2. connection_Problem



  1. duplicate_Record2
  2. insert_Success
  3. connection_Problem


  1. update_Success
  2. connection_Problem
  3. update_error1
  4. duplicate_Record2


  1. delete_Success
  2. connection_Problem
Other Files – Click here to expand
  1. view/head.php
  2. view/header_admin.php
  3. view/header_student.php
  4. view/header_teacher.php
  5. view/header_parents.php
    • view/all_student_due_payment.php
    • view/student_due_payment.php
    • view/show_friend_request.php
    • view/friend_profile.php
    • view/student_profile1.php
    • model/confirm_friends.php
    • view/unread_msg.php
    • model/confirm_notifications_read.php
    • model/confirm_msg_read.php
    • model/delete_friend_request.php
  6. view/sidebar.php
  7. view/sidebar1.php
  8. view/sidebar2.php
  9. view/footer.php
  10. view/alert.php
  11. controler/config.php
  12. view/login.php

Output of School Management System with PHP & MySQL

Login Page (Index)

Main Page

Admin View

Admin View

Teacher View

Teacher View

Student View

student view

Parent View

Parent View
Download source code of School Management System with PHP & MySQL project: School Management System with PHP & MySQL

School Management System Project Demo

Login Details for Demo Purpose only. Please note: Demo users, you are not able to change the details

Admin User
Username: [email protected]
Password: 12345

Parent User
Username: [email protected]
Password: 12345

Teacher User
Username: [email protected]
Password: 12345

Student User
Username: [email protected]
Password: 12345


We have successfully developed the Create School Management System with PHP & MySQL Project. We learn different features of School Management System like Student Management, Teacher Management, Attendance Management, Salary Management, Timetable Management, Exam Management and many more..

In this way we successfully made a School Management System with PHP & MySQL. I hope you enjoyed building School Management System with PHP & MySQL.

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Search Keywords

  • School Management System using PHP, MySQL with Source Code
  • Download School Management System for Free
  • Free School Management System Project using PHP and MySQL
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